Friday, August 01, 2014

Boy or Girl Shaker Card

So it seems there is a lot about shaker cards in the past week on Youtube and around blogland. Take a look at my twist of taking a mason jar sticker by Jolee's and making it a shaker card.

I cut them apart from each other and on the back of the sticker, where the lid sits, I cut a straight slit with an Exacto knife. Try keeping the sticker part covered with the release paper it comes on so the sequins won't stick to the back. Or you could have some permanently on the back but then you need to get fancy with adhering the sticker to your card. I pinched the to sides inward and filled the mason jar with blue and pink sequins by Craft Medley.

I used Lawn Fawn Harold alphabet stamps for the words with Hero Arts black ink.The "or" is on a garage sale tag that I cut down to fit the bottle. I think it works well as a label on a jar. It adhered the stickers to the die cut and glued the lid on, which had fallen off, with Glossy Accents. The patterned paper is by Hot off the Press, rick rack by Wright's, and all white cardstock by Recollections. 

You can find the mason jar stickers at 
I'm sure you will see more of these since there are 6 in a pack.

Challenges: goes {This card was a showcase pick} Anything goes square or rectangle Craft item I've never used before {Mason jar stickers} Anything goes