Wednesday, April 17, 2024

April Calendar Layout Brian and bowling.

Confession, I totally cut myself out of the picture. My face was spread out because of the way that I was standing and leaning forward onto my bag. You can see me. My arm is in a blue shirt on the right side. Anyway, the bowling patterned paper is by Karen Foster, I think. The other patterned paper is Harley Davidson paper by EK Success. I liked the flames in the paper because they matched the blue bowling shirts. The title is a sticker by Stickibilities. The side border is made up of bowling ball stickers by Scrappin Sports and More, SMR Stickers, and someone else. I’ll have to look into it. Thanks for looking and listening. 

My husband took the picture of my brother because he is drinking coffee out of an Old Kent Bank cup at a bowling alley around the corner from the house we grew up  My Mom worked for OKB for 30+years. 

It hasn’t been called OKB in over 20 years. So for them to have the coffee cup with the bank’s logo on it was enough for my husband to take a picture of my brother with the cup he stole from the bowling alley for sentimental reasons. LOL. 

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