Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Scrapbook Layouts of trip to Florida

On my trip to visit the snowbirds, we went to the Eagles hall/lodge (not sure which one to use) and played Bingo. This was Mom's first time ever playing. We weren't too impressed by the person calling the numbers. You'd think he was talking to a bunch of old people because he was going so slow.

This sketch is from Creative-Scrappers.com. They post a sketch weekly for inspiration. Check them out. Flowers by Petaloo, OTC, Prima, Imaginence; Ribbon by Offray and unknown (green); stamps by Tim Holtz, SU, Inkadinkado; PP by Love Elsie and Sunborn; CS by SU and Pioneer; floss by J&P Coates; Brads by MM and BG.

This is Mom's mate Bob. He drove us all over Florida to check out as many old scrapbook stores as possible. Tons of fun for us.

The sketch for this LO is from Scrapthat.ca. They have a contest this month with a weekly sketch and a point system. If you like sketches definitely check it out. PP by DCWV, Far and Away scrapbooking and CM; Cartridge for Cricut is Life's a beach; Stamp by SU; Ink by Colorbox, and then Fastnators.

Sorry, I'm unable to provide links to these sites. I'm still learning how this works.

Did you know?

That on this day in 1995 the man Phil Harris died? Who's Phil Harris? He is the voice of Baloo the Bear from A Jungle Book, Thomas O'Malley cat from The Aristocrats and Little John in Robin Hood which are all Disney movies. Strange thing brought me to that information. I sometimes just randomly Google the actors and actresses of these older animated movies to see if they are still alive and today I chose him. Kinda creepy but blog worthy to say the least.

I Think

that may be a hidden Mickey-the three circles by the onion? Hmmmm
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