Wednesday, May 05, 2010

LO's and Cards

Since I will be gone until Saturday I have posted extras to cover my days. The first LO is for a challenge at Sketches for all. Since today is Cinco de Mayo you have to use five of something on your LO. I used five stickers (3 stars and 2 lights) for my example. Stop by HERE and post your creations.
The second LO was my first attempt at doing an all black and white LO. I just had to add the red.
The third picture are cards I made for Christmas cards year round. The challenge for the month of May was to use flowers, ribbon and buttons. Check them out HERE.
And the last LO I accomplished the black and white only theme as a challenge at Dixie Pieces. You can find Sandi's challenge HERE. There are 12 challenges in all and I think you have until the 10th to complete them for an awesome prize. Check it out HERE.
That's all for now. Have a good couple of days and TFL.

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