Friday, October 22, 2010

Friends with Flair Blog Hop

This week I am part of the Friends with Flair blog hop for Unity Stamp Company. I was so fortunate to win two Unity stamp sets and since then have been opened to an amazing community of ladies all dedicated to these stamps. (I'm trying to get DH to get me KOTM for a year for Christmas. I'll let you know how it goes.) Here is my card made using the Christmas Bough set.
Be sure to stop by the Unity Blog for a list of others participating in the Blog Hop for some inspiration. Happy hopping!!!

Spooky card

I made this card for the mini contest at Sketches for all. It will run from Oct 22nd thru Oct 30th. You must use the sketch below and have some kind of sparkle on it. It's hard to tell in my photo but the eyes of the skeleton are covered with black glitter. So come join us at Sketches for All for two chances to win (1st and 2nd place) fabulous prizes.