Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Christmas Cards

Christmas Cards all year Round is a challenge blog designed specifically for Christmas cards and has already started their January challenge for next years lovely Christmas cards. All you have to do is make 5 Christmas cards either all the same or all different your choice by the 31st of January and post a direct link to the CCAYR blog to be in the running for a prize. They have recently been doing gift certificates as the prize to save money on shipping. Gotta love that. The only criteria is to follow the theme and this months theme is ANYTHING GOES. So you can make any type of Christmas card and it qualifies for our challenge. Check out the blog for the specifics on what you need to do. There are only a handful of people entered so far so why not give it a go and get a step ahead on those Christmas cards. You will be so happy you did. Here is one of mine: