Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Thank you card

I made this Thank you card for the following challenges:
Some odd girl-embossing
Lots going on there this week with their one year anniversary with challenges running all week long. Be sure to stop by and check them out. Looks like a great prize line up for some lucky person:)
Crafty sentiments-Thank you card
Crafty Catz-Thank you
Craft your days away- Anything goes
Pile it on- Anything goes
Thanks for stopping by and maing comments on my card. Have a great day.

Valentine cards

I made these two Valentine cards for the I Did It Creations Forum. The first card is for the second challenge in January, which I am hosting, from January 15th -31st. You earn points per challenge you do and points lead to discounts towards the Women's Outlaw Emporium store. A store full of scrappy supplies at low discount prices already and then with a bigger discount for doing the challenges, how can you go wrong? Click on the words/links to check out both the forum and the store for further details. The second card I did was for non digi stamp day which was Jan 14th but you have one week to get your valentine card done and posted. Here is another way to earn points for a better discount.
I have been a really bad blogger this month and I'm not sure what my problem is. Well I do have a couple of theories and one of those is, it takes up a lot of my time. So I'm going to try this, to make it less time consuming and get me posting everyday like I use to. I'm going to skip the supplies lists unless it is something new or special. If you see anything and you want to know what it is or where it is from please don't hesitate to ask in the comment field. I really don't mind doing that for such loyal followers. I just want to try this and see if it does save me some time.
I'd like to take this chance and thank you for all your kind comments. I do have one quick story to tell, which may be another reason for my low number of blog posts this past month. From November through January I applied for multiple (I don't want to say how many- it's embarrassing) manufacturer DT and didn't make a single one. Sad, frustrated, doubtful of my skills and mad (all the signs of grieving). But as I talked to a young lady (teenager) the other day she gave me inspiration. She wanted to be the Sugar plum fairy in the Nutcracker and was totally bummed when she got the part of...... I can't remember what they are called....they are the ones that wear the tiniest little outfits, have the most athletic shaped bodies for those little costumes, they are the most flexible- bending in unnatural ways...I think they are the Arabians, it's usually three girls and a boy. One of the girl dancers' is the star, dancing with the boy and the others are like the backup dancers. (they are amazing too) So she said she gave herself a week to pout about it and then that was it. She was going to  the best Arabian gumby, flexible dancer this side of the state has ever seen. No more I'm a diva and deserve to be the lead. This is the part God gave me and I am going to do it my very best.
So I decided that's what I needed to do too. Stop being a Diva and start putting my all into what teams I was on because those teams are a blessing and I should never forget that. So this is me being thankful that I have design teams that want me on them. Thank you to them:)
With that said I have assignments to get ready for this weekend and I need to  finish my mom's calendar.  I want to put it into the mail for her tomorrow and I'm only to July. eek! I keep working on Valentines for St Jude's (see side bar), which is a good thing too. I have more time to work on those cards then I do the calendar. January is over half way over.
Thanks for listening to my story.

My top card goes for the following challenges:
Mark's finest papers- hearts
Phindy's Place-Valentines
Stamp something-with a rubber stamp
Sassy Studio designs-Use products over a year old (the date on the heart stamp is 1998)
Bunny Zoe's crafts-Love