Monday, January 24, 2011

IDIC Challenge

Sunday arrived and I missed the post for this week at I Did It Creations.  Please forgive my tardiness.  Do remember we give a freebie with every challenge.  Just pick one of the images used by the DT, email Jeanette at
Put IDIC Freebie Request in the subject line with the name of DT member and She'll send you the digi stamp they used in this challenge.
This week our challenge theme is

A Card for a Child

and we are sponsored by the wonderful Toucan Scraps. For our Card for a Child challenge we are using the Digi Stamp Set Kicking Leaves by Toucan Scraps. Thanks for stopping by.


Roberts crafts Freebie Friday

Check out this fabulous freebie Friday I found at Roberts Crafts. Check it out HERE