Friday, January 17, 2014

Deep Red Stamps Sweetheart card

I don't know if you've noticed but I don't do hearts very often. I never feel like I can make them look good. Well today's card is proof to myself that I can do hearts and make them look good. The heart with roses stamp is by Deep Red stamps and can be purchased at A Cherry on Top and also at Scrapbook dot com.

I inked the stamp with Hero arts black ink and Colorbox red and green ink and stamped it onto white cardstock. I fussy cut the heart out, matted it onto black cardstock by Recollections and fussy cut it out again, then set it aside for probably two months.

I have Reminisce striped patterned paper for my base. I borrowed the conversation heart embossing folder from a friend and layered it on to the patterned paper, then set aside for oh about 10 months.

Then when I pulled out all my Valentine stuff this past week I saw the two together and thought ya this might work. The red heart is a die cut by Recollections that I picked up at Michael's. The whole pack of dies were on sale for 99 cents. Hmmm....OK lets put this with this and then the rhinestone hearts came into site and it fits the size of the die cut. I like that layering, a lot.

Now for a sentiment. Same die cut package, there's a banner. Then I found this Sticko pack of stickers and it has the black behind it to pull the black in from the heart. Oops the sticker is not straight. Peel it off ever so carefully but still tore the paper and look at this we have a rhinestone heart in our stash perfectly sized to cover up the paper tear. Add the stamped heart with roses onto the card with foam adhesive. Perfect-Love it.

Thanks for looking.

Here are the challenges I would like to enter: Anything goes with love Hearts Love Fussy cutting Bling it up Embellishments {Rhinestones} Embossing {Dry} Out with old in with new {New die cuts} Anything goes Valentine Bling Anything goes Patterned paper Hearts Anything goes Valentines