Friday, March 03, 2017

Baby Brother Layout

Today I have layout for you and this one is from my nephew's book. The top patterned paper is by Stampin Up. The word paper is a scrap from a friend and he bottom paper is by Coredinations. It had a really cool frosted look on the front but the back of the paper matched what I was doing better. 

The tag is a Cricut cut with the cartridge Don Juan and the tabs are size 1.5 by Art Philosophy. The cardstock for those cuts is by Recollections. On the tag I stamped a Hero Arts background stamp with Versa Mark ink and heat embossed it with white MyStamp Box embossing powder. I inked the tag with distress ink before setting a blue eyelet in the hole. After it dried I adhered felt numbers on it. The baby bingo is a Lindsay's Stamp Stuff digital stamp. The word brother is a Doodlebug thingy. The baby bottle sticker is by Frances Meyer.

Thanks for stopping by.