Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Recycled Beach ATC

Beach scene
We live about 45 minutes from Lake Michigan and at this one beach there was this fence like thing that I was never sure what was being divided or keeping people away from. I based this ATC on that beach scene that is still in my head. The theme for the April ATC swap is recycled/upcycled/junk in your house. And as I was digging in my stash I found this fence looking thing.

 When my MIL went into assisted living all of her crafty and sewing things came to my house. (I think I've told you this before. Sorry for the repeat info.) I found this fence in one of those boxes and it always intrigued me as to what it was or was for. I first thought it was a fence for a dollhouse but but my husband has no sisters. Hmmm. Perplexed and unable to ask my MIL (Alzheimer's) what this fence looking thing was, I kept it with no immediate plans to use it and no plans to throw it away.

If you have any ideas what you think the fence in my card is for, please leave me a comment. It came in a half of a yard roll. It is made of real wood and thicker wire to hold them together. I'm curious to hear what you think.

Anyway,  hubby cut the section I needed with some wire cutters and here's the rest. I cut white cardstock size down to normal ATC size (3.5 x 2.5) when I decided to create a moon in the background. Using a Marvy circle punch, I created a mask by punching out circle of a Post-It.  I inked the cardstock with distress ink and an ink blending tool with the moon mask in place to create the scene. I found a piece of  patterned paper by Creative Imaginations that resembled sand to adhere to the bottom and beach sentiment sticker by the same company.

Thanks for looking.