Saturday, March 26, 2011

“A Smile is the beginning of Peace” yellow, green, and pink card

This will be a quick post because I am at a crop today. The challenge for this week is to use the colors pink, yellow and green. Stop by Shannon's Sentiments blog for the other DT projects and to join in on the challenge. The linky to all March challenges is on the right side bar. The more challenges you do the better your chance of winning a $10 gift certificate to Shannon's Sentiments store. She has some awesome sets in there that you could spend it on. Here's my card. 
A few things to remember:
*Stop by Shannon's store for a few freebies
*She is having a DT call going on right now
*We have Shannon's Sentiments groups on:
     Scrapbook News and Reviews
     Creative Digital Art Center
     Paper Craft Planet
Join us on those groups and you will find freebie's and other goodies for you to enjoy.

This card also qualifies for the challenges at Totally Gorjuss (SAT#73)-Spring theme and for Wee Memories(SAT#49)-Anything goes.
Thanks for stopping by and God bless.