Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Blue Wednesday

I'm not really blue/sad I just feel odd. Some may say that is normal for me but I don't listen to them anymore. I guess it's more of an unmotivated feeling that I have today. I can't make a decision. Am I hot or cold? Do I clean up my desk or just continue to place the keyboard on top of the stuff? Do I spend hours on end on the computer or work my paper magic? Do I do all the things other people want me to do for them or do what I want but what is it I want to do? Honestly I want to go back to sleep and wake up in my old life when I liked what I was doing and life wasn't so uncertain. That's probably asking too much. 
I think I will clean my table first and see what's underneath the keyboard for me to play with. It's a small mystery just like everything else in my life.

Have a fabulous day and I will see you tomorrow with something new.