Sunday, January 06, 2013

Chalk Ah Lot challenge- Baby card with Laundry

Chalk-Ah-Lot challenge New with chalk continues. 
Link up HERE (gone)
I chose to do a new baby card using this clothesline border stamp. I colored in the image using powder chalk and bubbles. It gives a great look. I also inked the edges with chalk ink. The background is also a Stamp N Plus stamp that I stamped multiple times turning it to create this fun whimsical look. The pink chalk by Stamp N Plus is called Cotton Candy.  
The pink and purple ink I used is chalk ink by Colorbox. The black is by Hero Arts. The ribbon is by Offray. It's hard to tell but there is a piece of pink ribbon with purple on top of it. The buckle is by Making Memories. The patterned paper is by Daisy D's.

The sentiment would be fabulous for baby announcements. Below is a picture of all the sentiments that come with this one. They are not posted on the Stamp N Plus website but you can order them by calling Luann at 715-271-1873

These are the challenges that I linked up to in 2013: goes with ribbon

When I do some random housecleaning on my posts, I keep the original the original post of there of the card. A timeline as to what design team I was on, what products was I using at that time, and the number of challenges I would link up to. It baffles me to think of the time spent doing all of that. So, with that being said...