Saturday, May 11, 2013

By The Sea Card

This card is me wishing it was summer. Although I am enjoying this weather the word summer just brings a sense of carefree and fun to mind.

I made this card for the Stamp N Plus blog. The shell stamps can be found HERE. I used masking paper by Stampendous to get the images together in a row. The patterned papers are by K and Co and the ribbon by Offray. I stamped the sentiment on to the ribbon fr a something a little different. I used Hero Arts ink and I think it turned out quite well. I glued tiny beads all over the top of the card just for fun. Not sure if I like them but I went through a lot of trouble to get them there so no going back. 

Thanks for looking. Have a great Saturday and weekend.

Stamping on ribbon your stash (beads have been in my stash for years)