Monday, June 29, 2015

Manly Monday Buck Deer

Post edited April 2021. See the sidebar for explanation 

For my card the Buck Deer stamp is by Deep Red Stamps and can be found at


I stamped him in Stampin Up brown ink and colored him in with their watercolor pencils. I didn't watercolor anything because the SU ink isn't a good ink to do that with and I didn't use watercolor paper. The orange patterned paper is by My Mind's Eye and brown by Making Memories. The sentiment sticker is by SRM Stickers, the ribbon by Offray and the leaf brad by Creative Imaginations.

Welcome back to Manly Monday. I have just a few cards to share with you this week. I'm away from my computer visiting family at the moment. I hope you will stop by these ladies blog posts and check out their masculine cards. Click on the blog name above the clip of their card.

Thanks for looking.