Monday, July 27, 2015

Manly Monday Dad's Green shirt+ GIVEAWAY

Edited May 2021 see the sidebar for an explanation 

For my card I used a button up shirt stamp by Unity Stamp Company. I stamped it with black Hero Arts ink onto watercolor paper by Ranger. I used Peerless watercolors to color in the image. The image was then trimmed down and an eyelet placed in the top. The patterned paper on the left is by Cosmo Cricket and the green on the right is by Die Cuts with a View. The green paper made me think of like football plays that a coach would draw for his players. Idk I could be way off on that. The devoted sticker is by K and Co and the father die cut is by Clearly Besotted. The white frame is the leftover from a rectangle {Spellbinders} that I attached vellum to the backside.

Hi all. Welcome back to Manly Monday. I have some awesome cards from crafters all over the world in today's post. There is a card for every man in this post. I'm lovin' it! Click on the blog title above the clip of their card to be directed to the blog post where the masculine card is waiting for you to stop by and give it a kick butt {I'm trying to sound manly because if it was me I would say "a fabulous.."} comment. Everybody loves comments and it doesn't take that long to say if you like their card. 

Giveaway Time: Come, come now, I'll give you some incentive to checking out the cards for today. I will choose 2 people to receive a fabulous goodie bag filled with crafty stuff to play with. All you have to do is comment on one or all 13 blogs-that includes mine, for your chance to win. Of coarse commenting on more blogs increases your odds but you do whatever you can do. 

You need to follow Cre8iveCindy on either Google Friends Connect or with Bloglovin'. Both of these options are on my right sidebar just a skip down the page.

I will pick two comments randomly from random blogs to win the prizes which could include stamps and paper pads to ink pads and more things I have to give away. I also have Copic markers that need a home but I will talk with the winners about them first and if neither need those colors the markers will go back in to giveaway tote,

I would love to see Manly Monday go all over the web or just Blogland. It would make a happy camper if they just came to see the guy cards but it's more then likely the giveaway part that will attract people. If you prefer to do social media plugs, I'm at the following:

Facebook Cindy Groh
Instagram as Cre8iveCindy
Twitter as mcscraps

Promote this giveaway to others online and leave me a link to check it out on this post. One comment per Insta, one comment for Facebook, and one comment for Twitter. Leave me a comment about what you did in the comments here. And Hey I'll trow this out there, is anyone a badge maker for blogs? If you are a badge blog artist I would like to exchange emails to make a badge for the Manly Monday posts. Please.

So one with the cards:

Thanks for looking.