Thursday, August 27, 2015

Kitty Christmas

I was at a barn the other day with a friend that has a horse there. Also in the horse barn were barn kitties and I fell in love. I would have loved to take one home with me but my dog would probably eat it, says my husband. So no kitty for me except here on my blog. Do you have a cat and if so how old is it?

The stamp is by Delafield Stamp Company out of Delafield, Wisconsin. If you are interested in the stamp leave me a comment and I can give you the phone number on the stamp. I stamped it with Versa Color black ink and heat embossed it with clear embossing powder by Stamp N Plus. Then I colored the image in with distress inks and a water pen both by Ranger. I inked the edges of the image before matting it onto patterned paper by Martha Stewart. The music paper is by Penny Black and the green cardstock by Recollections. The sentiment sticker is by Hobby Lobby and the ribbon from my stash.

Thanks for looking.