Wednesday, June 15, 2011

More Graduation cards

More graduation cards to share. I hope you like them.
I think the sentiment is from CTMH. It's one of those times that I borrowed someones stamps at a crop and stamped a bunch of them to use later. I should have thought to write the company on the back of the image but my brain wasn't thinking like that back then. I think she was a CTMH rep. At any rate, I like the way this one turned out.

I used Glossy Accents on the cap, which is a sticker from REM

This one actually has a glimmer to the bottom portion but doesn't show up well in the photo.

This one is a gift card holder. I like the way on the sides of the card the stamp (black) looks like a road and how it wraps into graduating is following a new road into life. Don't you love how the only gift card I had around here is from Michael's? I should use that at the new Michael's when we go there today. It's suppose to be bigger and better than our old one. I have a couple of coupons to use. I would like to get a new border punch. Mine are boring me at the moment. I feel like I have used them a million times. Anyway....

There is so much product in these cards that if you have a question about something please leave me a comment and I will get back to you on it.
Happy Wednesday:)