Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Wednesday's Christmas card

Sorry this is late. I had a horrible doctors appointment and in deep depression slept the rest of the day away. I'm so tired of these arrogant doctors that are rude to me. "I'm as nice as I know how to be and they treat me like a bastard at a family reunion." Dolly Parton says that in 9 to 5 and that's exactly how I felt after this doctors appointments. Anyway here is my card:

PP by KCo; punch by EK; stickles by RI; die cut by SB. That's all I have for you today. See you tomorrow with another Christmas card.
Sorry to be a Debbie Downer but it's been 13 months of my life that has just ......sucked. And when I told that doctor my quality of life is crap he said that's not his fault. OK, true but what can you do to help me improve and he said heat or ice may help but probably not. Come on! Big sigh* Another darn doctor that doesn't give a crap. Great! I should have stayed where I was, at least he tried to shut me up with medication. I could write a book about this junk that we call the last year of my life. Idk...
Maybe tomorrow will be better.