Monday, November 18, 2013

Manly Monday

Welcome back to Manly Monday. Check out the guy cards I found this week and then scroll down to see mine. It's getting tough to find regular cards with all the Christmas card challenge themes going on. If you've made a masculine card and would like it posted on Manly Monday, send me an email which is listed in the right column. Thanks.

I found this embossing folder at our LSS and wasn't sure how I would use it but I would find away. I embossed a piece of Neenah Solar white cardstock and then cut the bottom of the design off to do something more with it. Using a blending tool and distress ink from Ranger Industries I was able to turn the white cardstock brown in certain areas and over the raised ares. I trimmed up the word Camping, distressed the edges with scissors and matted it onto brown cardstock. Other supplies in my card: Jute from my stash, the tent brad is by Eyelet Outlet and the background paper is by The Paper Loft. 

Thanks for looking.

Challenges: For the boys