Saturday, December 12, 2015

Sassy Studio Designs Release Day

Today is the day of the new release at Sassy Studio Designs. We are celebrating with a fabulous blog hop showcasing all the new images. And what's a blog hop without prizes

The new prize system works like this:
FOUR lucky BLOG HOP participants from 4 RANDOMLY CHOSEN DT blogs will win 1 image of their choice.

And the Grand Prize winner at the END of the HOP will win the entire collection

And at 6 pm PST on Saturday, December 12th come join us at the Party Chat and have a few laughs with the DT & Sassy fans. You never know when FREEBIES will pop up.

So onto my card. I'll admit, I know nothing about Star Wars other than there is a movie coming up. So when I was asked to use the Luke image I colored the wrong dude. Lol but not really that funny. Once I realized the mistake I printed out Luke onto X-Press It Blending Card, which is a new Copic marker paper for me but it seems to work pretty well and I colored him in with Copic markers and colored pencils by Stampin Up. I didn't have any space paper so I went with this Me and My Big Ideas paper from a boy stack that I've had for ever. It matches. It works. The side border is a Martha Stewart punch out of Sunborn paper. The other cardstock on my card were scraps I found in my stash.

Time to get hopping. Here is the Blog Hop Order:
Kim -
Samantha –
Judy -
Greg -
Jo D –
Kel –
Chris -
Kitty –
Rachelle –
Cindy - 
Carrie -
GDT Judy Rogers -
GDT Sheri Scraps -
GDT Jessica -
GDT Jeannean -
GDT Suzi -
GDT Art Jypsy -
GDT Ema -
GDT Shelley -
GDT Karen -
SSD Store

Thanks for stopping by. Don't forget to leave a comment for your chance to win the new images.