Friday, May 27, 2022

Floral Friday Simple Hexagon makes a flower patterned Card

A nice and easy card today. I’m using an old Stampin Up bee stamp and hexagon punch. Then a little inspiration from my Mom who was a sewer quilter. I recall her making a pillow with this pattern. It looks like a flower. I just need to add a green stem and leaves. Or I can leave it like it is. So, This whole weekend I will “bee” posting cards bee, beehives, hexagons, or honeycomb type patterned cards. I hate bees when I go outside but I have been digging in the drawer and these backgrounds came out screaming, “Put me on a card bitch!” Lol. Today is the kind of day that I need to swear and laugh. So enjoy the weekend and as always, thank you for stopping by my blog and taking a look.
If you have a moment can you leave me a comment  telling me where you live and what’s the weather like. I live in Sparta, MI and it has been raining all day and is still going at 11:45pm.