Monday, April 24, 2023

Manly Monday Houndstooth Tags

The tags are upcycled from a bank that my mom swooped up from being trash when the bank went computerized and no longer needed them 

My mom worked at a bank for 35 years. In that time she experienced many changes; a name change, staffing changes, location changes, and a change to become computerized. They no longer needed paper tags or plastic bags for checks or these shaped boxes that held specific papers. She helped those things to be recycled and not just thrown away. My Mom swooped up those tags before they made it into the trash bin and rerouted them to my house.

Anyway, I stamped the tags with a houndstooth stamp by Deep Red stamps. The small round circle at the top is a tag by Basic Grey. The background paper is ancient by Provo Crafts . The brad is from my stash. Thanks for looking.