Saturday, January 28, 2017

Beerfest Calendar Layout

I have a calendar layout to share today. Every year I make calendars for the family and one for the cottage. The one for the cottage is only allowed to have cottage pictures. "Beerfest" photos are only made while at the cottage. Here's the scoop there's a yearly event called BeerFest and it's here in Beer City USA, Grand Rapids, MI. One year on a cold February day the guys went to the event. They loved it and wanted to make it a yearly event. Next year when they went to buy tickets the event SOLD OUT in less than an hour. IKR-Holy Cow!
So, They started their own Beerfest event at our cottage. I find that better for everyone. I will babble for a moment (I'm timing myself). I was the one that had to pick them up in Grand Rapids. They were so drunk and so was every single one of the idiots staggering across the streets without looking. I lost two. They took off like some little kids at a grocery store. And the other drunks didn't know where they went but maybe across the street. Oh great. That's a four-lane street that in 55 MPH and one of the two lost, yup you guessed it, my husband.
Time's up. Doing this "event" at my cottage is better because everyone has a place to go inside and sleep or pass out.
The snowflake background is a Cricut cut from the Art Philosophy cartridge. I made it very large to fit the page. The blue background paper by Sunborn. Beer mug stamp, brown ink, and speckled cardstock by SU with the letter stamps by Lawn Fawn and black Hero Arts ink. I bought the tags at Walmart and they are by Forever in Time.

Thanks for looking.
UPDATED 9-2021