Monday, June 28, 2021

Manly Monday Wall Senior pictures of Spencer

I have a layout for Manly Monday as well as a chatty post.
This is my nephew Spencer. I replaced his 11th-grade picture on the wall with his senior pictures on this layout. Honestly, I don't like the layout of the wall. It's too busy. But I don't have time to replace it, so it is what it is.

Patterned paper-MAMBI, Close to my Heart, and Tim Holtz.
The pennant stickers were by Jolee's. They were the last ones in the package. It felt good to finish a package of stickers.
The handmade pennants use scraps of paper by Creative Memories.
The "class of" letters are Lawn Fawn.

The Spencer stamp is by...I can't find it. Do you remember when they had things with your name on them? As kids, my siblings and I always looked for our names anywhere they had things with names on them. My siblings' names were easy to find, Brian, John, and Jenny. Although, Jenny could only be found as Jennifer and my name was a challenge to find Cindy, not Cynthia.

Well, I found the names of family members on stamps. I bought all of them that I could find. 

You don't see names on things anymore. With so many unique names and the way people spell "normal" names not the normal way, I can only imagine that name stamps are a thing of the past.
My niece's name would be in the group of normal names spelled wrong.
Evelyn, right? No.

Sorry I have been MIA.
My dog had to be put to sleep. That was big and really hard. But I can say, it is getting easier. Yet there are certain things that cue a tear or two.
Next thing,
My nephew's open house was last weekend and I FINISHED the books on time!!!
I was really proud of myself and proud of the books. They turned out fabulous. Like, I'm really excited to have completed the books on time, ON TIME!
I will have a lot to post and I hope you like them.

But for today, thanks for looking.