Friday, October 28, 2011

Fabulous Friday Fun

This week I am going to share with you the way I color in a lot of my images here at IDIC. I simply paint the image using distressing inks and water with a regular paint brush I bought at Hobby Lobby. I have a craft mat that I pressed the distressing ink pads on and then spray them with water. You can find the Craft Sheet at the OWSE store. Another thing you can use if you just want to try it out is wax paper. It works well but after a while I decided it was time to invest in the craft sheet. It is well worth the money for this technique and so much more.

I use distressing inks because they react beautifully with water, where other ink brands do not. I often use water with Perfect Pearls in it to give the image sparkle. I printed out the digital image from Robyn's Fetish on regular cardstock from Michael's but I have to tell you I really like to use watercolor paper. I found some at Hobby Lobby that I felt was reasonably priced and only needed to be cut down slightly to fit in my printer. The cardstock can warp when you add the ink with water. This doesn't happen with the watercolor paper.

For this card I am using the following supplies:

1.) Distressing inks Barn Door and Broken China

2.) Perfect Pearls color perfect pearl

3.) Mini Mister (to blend my water and Perfect Pearls together)

4.) Mittens image from Robyn's Fetish

5.) cardstock, lace, thread and stamp from my stash

Let's begin!

After I printed my image out onto the cardstock I gathered all my supplies.

Take your ink pads and pat them onto the craft sheet to make your very own painting palate. In order to keep your ink pads from becoming contaminated with other colors set the different colors apart from each other. See below:

If you plan on combining inks to make your own colors place them semi close to be able to pull more of one color to the other until you get the color you are looking for. The more water you add to the ink the lighter the color will be. I usually spray the water to the side of the ink spot so I have the choice to make it lighter or darker.

This next photo show my paint brush and the combining of the water (with Perfect Pearls) and ink together on the paint brush.

I then started painting in my image. I started with the smallest part of the image, the hearts, so that the red was prominent and would stick out from the blue mittens. After cleaning my brush with water, I went onto the blue. I colored the first coat light blue because I like to go over the image a second time with the same color after the painting dries a bit. The lines from the paint brush seem to blend together better the second time it is painted.

You can see in the photo below I have paint brush lines so I am going to wait a while before I go back in with my blue. So because I was being impatient I decided to blend the blue and red together and make a purple color for the top of the mittens as you can see below.

Here is my final image. I painted a second coat on the hands of the mittens but not around the cuffs. I wanted the lines to show on the cuffs and for the color to be lighter than the bottom.

Here is my final card. I wanted the lace to flare up when the card was standing up. What I will do is fold the lace upward when I put it into the envelope so when the recipient takes the card out of the envelope it will naturally flip up like the picture. You can really see the sparkle that the Perfect Pearls add to the image. Love that.

That's all I have for you today. I hope you have enjoyed a new twist to coloring in your images and using those distressing inks you may have in your stash.

Check out my BLOG for more examples of this technique, especially this fairy card.

 A couple of things to note are these:

Become a follower of my blog, use this technique and leave me a link in the comments before the next Fabulous Friday Fun and you can win a prize from me. I make you become a follower so I can get in contact with you for your prize.

Many of the supplies that I have used for this project can be found in our OUTLAW WOMEN SCRAPBOOK EMPORIUM.

It is a Yahoo Group that you can join if you would like to be a part of a fabulous group of people who chat about everything under the sun, hold swaps and challenges, too.

It is a discount club, so once you are accepted, you can get great discounts on so many paper crafting supplies, like those that I used for my project.

We hope that you join us there for a lot of fun and learning!

Just click on OUTLAW WOMEN SCRAPBOOKING EMPORIUM and it will take you right to the HOME PAGE!

See you all next Friday for another FABULOUS FRIDAY FUN!
