Monday, December 09, 2013

Manly Monday Sports Ticket Layout for JWK

I decided to share a scrapbook page today. I was asked to make a few scrapbooks by a friend of ours that she will give to her brother for Christmas. The scrapbook is all ticket stubs, no pictures at all. At first, I was like oh Idk about this but I'm having fun with it. This baseball layout that I made uses a Stamp N Plus baseball stamp. 
Anyway, the clouds and mountains were cut out using my Cricut and then I added the baseball stamp with some lines to show movement. At first, I felt like there should be more to the layout but since it's for a guy and I thought this was appropriate as is. I hope you like it. 

So remember last week where I said I wasn't going to post other crafters' cards for the rest of this month? Well, I found some awesome manly cards and these ladies all responded to my request to post their cards. As for next week? We'll just have to see if I get any responses back or if I even have time to even send out requests.

But for today I hope you will enjoy these manly cards.

Thanks so much for looking.