Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Peaceful Banner Wednesday

I'm still messed up from the Monday holiday. Wednesday just doesn't seem right but that's what the calendar says so we'll go with it.
Here's the banner I wanted to show you. The theme of her graduation was Peace Out. The invites we made had a (Unity) bug car stamp and the license plate said peace out. So everything was very groovy for her party.
I wanted to make a banner just because I had only done one before and wasn't pleased with the results. (and the friend who I sold it to hasn't brought it up so I'm thinking it didn't work as planned) So for this one I wanted it to be easy enough I could do it the night before her party. So I printed out these digital pennants that I have to fit the entire 8.5x11 sheet of cardstock. Oh and I also didn't want to fussy cut-just use the old trimmer and call it good. Well that is just what I did and I was proud/happy with the results. Now my niece took the close up shot and I'm thinking she might just be better at close ups then I am:)
There is a crepe paper flower like thing and this is how I made it: I took some wire out of this ribbon that had wire in it. After I accordion rolled the crepe paper (very sloppy like-no perfect inch folds here) I secured the middle with that wire. Then I fanned it out to meet the other side, added adhesive (This and That by American Crafts) to one of the sides and repeated on the other side. You have to do a little fluffing of the shape but that's about it and you are done with that part.
The ribbon was left over from when we made the invitations. All the cardstock is by Recollections.

I used my Cricut to cut out the circles and letters, ribbon by Michael's and the peace punch is by Oriental Trading Co.

So I hope this inspires you to try something new today, even if it's not in your scrap room. 
Thanks for stopping by today. Come back tomorrow for some cards I have been working on.