Sunday, July 10, 2011

I Did it Creations Challenge

This week at I Did it Creations are challenge is sponsored by Glitterbabe's and the theme is FLORAL:)
We received this beautiful silhouette flower as our image and I thought a get well soon card would be good. I picked a shade of blueish green for a calming effect. Idk, what do you think?

Rubons by Kaiserkrafts; ribbon by Pebbles; PP by K and Co and Daisy D's; CS by HL; card base by Michael's; ink by Stampin Up.
So be sure to stop by the blog and check out the other DT inspiration and join in on the fun at IDIC.

Don't forget about IDIC SNR (Scrapbook News and Reviews) group. If you post your card into the photo album or just let me know that you have linked up a card for this weeks challenge and then let me know by either a message or write on the wall I will get you a freebie from Robyn's Fetish. The only thing is you must be a member of the IDIC SNR Group. Otherwise-Easy as that.