Monday, June 09, 2014

Manly Monday Border of Tools

Welcome back to Manly Monday. After my card, I have a larger selection of cards to share with you this week. 

I made my card using stamps by Hero Arts. The tools stamp uses Memento ink and then colored with Copics. I'm not the best colorer, especially with small images like this but they say practice makes perfect. It turned out so cute that I had to share even if I didn't totally stay in the lines. Idk who the patterned paper is by-sorry but the Copic paper is called Cryogen, the black cardstock is by Recollections and the white cardstock is by Neenah Solar white. I did heat emboss the sentiment with black embossing powder by myStamp Box. (Updated 12-13-22 photo size and placement, font)

There are many Masculine/Male/Dad/Father's Day-type challenges out this past week. I'm entering quite a few of them, which you can see at the bottom of this post. The challenges I usually link up to are NOT SIR or ones that you can only link to so many other challenges. I understand putting a limit on the number of entries a person can link up but I don't understand the limit on {C10 and such} other challenges you can enter. You would think they, challenge blogs, would want the exposure. But hey what do I know. They must have their reasons.

Thanks for looking.

Challenges: For a dad or special male