Saturday, May 30, 2020

Blue Mosaic Stamp and Punch Birthday cards

I used stamps by Stampin Up with Ranger blue ink
The sentiment is by Just Right Stamps and Hero Arts
The die-cuts are by Matching punch for the stamp set and the pointy circle in the center of the second card is by Sizzix
The patterned paper is by I dry embossed the 1st card with the matching embossing folder and lightly went over it with a Distress Oxide ink pad. 
The second card background is a shiny cardstock by Recollections
The jewels are by Hero Arts and the ribbon in the second card is from my stash.

I had to use a padded envelope on the first card because of those jewels.
I make my own envelopes with the We R Memory Keepers envelope maker and put a piece of bubble wrap inside. The front of the card would go against the bubble wrap. I put a stamp on it that is for square envelopes or the mail that is not to go through the machine at the post office because it is more than 1/4" in dimension.

Thanks for looking

Here are some other cards using the same stamp.
^^^This one 
is a cool example of how to use the punch for something other than the matching stamp.
I really enjoy searching for these former cards using the same stamp set or punch.
The fact that there are three posts using the same color blue in the stamp leads me to believe that I stamped them before January of 2017 and made the one card and set the other ones aside. 
I'm trying to decrease the amount of half-done projects and/or use the images that have and just need to go on cards.