Wednesday, October 27, 2021

October Calendar Layout with the kids carving pumpkins

Here is the last October calendar page for year one of Wednesday calendar layouts. This one was from my Brother's 2021 calendar. The corners are from Recollections. I made the title with my Cricut. The epoxy sticker at the bottom is by Creative Imaginations. The second picture in this post shows the layout before the sticker and I'm half and half on it. Adding the sticker doesn't give your eyes a place to rest. But happily, it decreases the number of stickers in that package of stickers. On that sticker sheet, there's one with a cat that is ok to use on kids' cards but the last two stickers in the package are scary to me. Maybe they aren't scary. I will try to post a picture. 

This is me babbling.
I wish I was able to go in order, like this; all of the months from my brother's 2018 calendar on the first week of every month. Then the cottage's calendar 2018 for the second week. Then Paul's family calendar from 2018 for the third week and then I've made calendars for different people throughout the years to cover week 4 of the month...BUT I just can't get it organized to do it that way. My pictures folders are a mess and I can't figure out why. I'm the most organized unorganized person ever. I have labels on most things. I say most because it's one of the things on the list of help I need help finishing.

Organizing pictures is a BIG sigh followed by irritation followed by why can't I get someone to help me. I would pay them the going rate. Shoot, McDonald's is starting at $15. Starting! 
I made a list in outline form and #2 is I need a minion. Then
2a.) Get on my PC and delete duplicates. With that...I want the right pictures to go into folders that they are labeled to go into.
2b.) Clean up my blog, that one is harder than it sounds. Like 2a I want it to be done my way. Heck, once we established what I want, they could do it from home.
2c.) Use the label maker for all of my stamp sets. However,
2d.) I'm thinking of taking old stamps off the wood. But so many things come with that and maybe I need to make that decision before 2c.
2e.) Dance VHS project. I actually had someone that was doing that project. We were kicking ass on that project and then Covid hit and the project came to a complete halt. I think that it will be resumed.
2f.) 3 Inch disks project. I have a box of them that is how we saved things in the '90s. We had a camera that didn't have film, it had one of those disks. I have the converter to plug into my computer and move any worthy pictures onto my computer. The most important pictures I'm looking for are of my husband's back. Skin cancer comparison photos.
And the last thing that I've thought of that I need a minion for is...
2g.) Check and do the maintenance on my Copic markers. Though I love to play with them, they are not getting the love they deserve and it's resulting in the markers going dry and the nibs destroyed.
I have two people that would be perfect for the job but have both said not now. I'm going to hang onto that string of hope that they will say, I can help you with one of your tasks.
Until then, I have a list typed up on my blog ready to go.
Do you have anything you wish someone would do for you? Maybe I forgot it and need to add a 2h.)

Thanks for looking.