Saturday, February 26, 2022

Fancy Folding Hello Donut Card

Isn’t he a cute little donut. I finally did one!! The pictures are crappy. Oh well. There’s nothing I can do but keep trying to make them better. I’m not sure how quickly a second donut card will come out because lately, My fingers aren’t working well and this card requires you to do a lot of folding. With high hopes and expectations I cut out more so I would make more. It’s like my Lawn Fawn reveal wheel cards. I have some in the drawer and they just need to be finished up. Anyway, the patterned papers are by Bazzill and Sunborn. The die is by Sizzix. I used distress ink around the edges . The Hello die is by Lawn Fawn. Thanks so much for looking. I’m entering the challenge Simon Says Stamp-challenge foodand Creatilouis-AG and another challenge Inkspirational-different type fold card