Monday, March 29, 2021

Manly Monday Joe in 3rd Grade in Germany Layout

Sorry I’m late. I was working on Easter cards, which you will see the rest of this week.

I also want to make a disclaimer. I’ve been editing this post for over an hour. There may be poor wording and punctuation. I tried. Lol

Here we go!

I have an old layout of my FIL as a child in Obervac, Yugoslavia where he was born and lived until 1953 at which time he and his parents came to America. They settled down and made roots in Detroit, MI where my FIL's parents lived until his father’s death. 

My MIL was born and raised in East Detroit, MI. She met and dated my FIL in high school. He was two grades ahead of her. A few years after the two were married in 1961 they moved to Grand Rapids, MI for a job opportunity for him with the IRS.

The "May 1949" stamps are by Close to my Heart

The arrow sticker pointing out my FIL is by Becky Higgins

The die- cuts are by Cricut (for the 3rd) and Quickutz (word grade)

The patterned papers are by K and I Memories, Die Cuts with a View, and Colorbok

I’m entering this layout into not a card challenge at 

The Male Room

Next, is the opposite side of this layout is a pocket page with some information about the family.

If you look at the bottom right pocket, you will see the photo of Joe and Opa with words next them. Those were the words written on the back picture.

So what I did to preserve this part of the family’s story is, I scanned the  backside of the photo and then printed it on photo paper to place next to the photo. Problem is, I’m not sure how to tell people looking at the scrapbook what that is. 

I’m open for suggestions. I started doing this early on with my MIL’s photos because honestly having old photos that are labeled are hard to come by.

The problem with my FIL's pictures, many of them are written in German.

You know what, Oh well. I think it's pretty cool and I hope the next generation will too. (And maybe learn German. Lol)

Here are the two layouts side by side. They sort of match each other. To me sort of is close enough.

I will now share with you my own personal quote:

"It doesn't have to be perfect. It just has to be done"
-Cindy Groh

Thanks for looking