Sunday, May 09, 2021

3 die cuts on 2 Blue and Green cards

These card fronts have been in my “finish up” tote for awhile. Time to use them and get them mailed out.

The brads are from my stash. Feels nice to use products from my stash.
The sentiment is a stamp by Stampibilities.

The die-cuts are by Spellbinders.

The patterned paper is by Making Memories with distress ink around the edges

The second card, the borders are from Sunborn
All the other papers are scraps from my stash.
I don’t like the way that the glue makes the paper warp
I’m not sure what else to do with this card.
It will come to me. I’ll find something while I’m looking for something else.

I’m going to go a little bit off the camera to share with you some honest self evaluation.
I see some patterns in my workflow that could use improvement
When I “have” to do something and I’m bored with it, I find lots of other things to instead. I have examples followed by my excuse which I have listed as a defense.

1.Stamp names and dates on scraps of cardstock that I will use to label people in scrapbooks.
Defense-I will use those more than any of the other things that I’m going to list
1AFight with my Cricut and watch YouTube videos that don’t help.

2. Add designs of paper that are filed in the cabinet by design into the folders that are kept in totes which are divided by color.
Defense-I do not usually look at a picture and say, “This needs a polka dot pattern.” What I do is go over to my totes of paper and grab the folder with the color I’m looking for. There may be a polka dot paper in that folder and that’s the way I would find it. I’m not going to the polka dot paper folder.
That was confusing.  

3. Separate and organize colored paper in totes. 
Defense-There are so many shades of blue that I put like shades together in a folder to make it easier for me.

 I take stamped images out of the drawer and find paper that matches. Then I put the paper and image into a baggy before moving it into the tote of cards to finish.
 Defense-this does make it easier for me when I quickly need to put a card together.

5. Organize the baggies so the same size bags are in the same folder using label maker and all.
Defense-another time saver.

7. Clean my craft room. This is a bad one. As I’m cleaning, I will come across many treasures. Some lost treasures.
Such as, finally finding that one paper I needed for this one  layout. 
Looking at everything around me I get bummed out and feel overwhelmed. 
Good and Bad News:
PS. I found the layout and it didn’t work, of course it didn’t. I even tried it on another popcorn layout and it didn’t work.

8. I will look online for inspiration, which I never seem to find on social media so I look at my old blog posts. I do find inspiration but I also find that a lot of my earlier blog posts don’t have labels, the links aren’t valid anymore, and the picture is small and sometimes with no watermark. So, fix the problems and it takes me forever because I’d number 9.
8A. So then, I’ve been wanting to do this... I want to grab all of my old Manly Monday posts and put my card on top of the post so it’s the first one you see. It’s never going to happen with my iPad unless I get a new oneI’m crazy! There are so many.a

9. Fight with iCloud to transfer my photos to my computer so the stupid thing stops telling me I have used 49 of my 50G and will need to upgrade to the next storage level. Why would I do that when I can’t find my 49G pictures and organize them the way I want too! That really makes me mad and usually ends with the worst one,
10. Go get something to eat 

That’s all I have to say about that.

Thanks for looking