Thursday, January 14, 2021

1962 Family trip to FL Scrapbooking Pocket pages.

In 1962 my MIL's family and only the family went on a vacation to FL. Here are a few of the many photos from that trip along with some cute photos that I wanted to include in this book.
This is the right side of the layout. See the bottom for the two sides together.

Alphabet stamps are by Close to My Heart

I cut words FUN and CUTE with my Cricut
The smile sticker is by Studio 112 and Family Vacation sticker...My guess is from the Current catalog.

The die-cut border is by Martha Stewart and the bottom center card has a square in it by Elle's Studio. There is a brad after the letters FL inside the square.

Patterned papers are by October Afternoon (Squares with a pop of red) and Poppy Stamps (polka dots)

(((This is terribly confusing)))
Maybe just look at the pictures

Here they are together and they're not totally the same but for me, they are close enough.

Thanks for looking