Thursday, January 21, 2021

Sending Love and Sympathy Cricut Card

For my card today there's a little controversy on the letters.
This whole card was cut out using my Cricut. 
My husband says the word sending is hard to read.

Here are his thoughts: 
The S needs to be finished with the swoosh back (to the left).
The E looks like a C because the line that creates the loop is not extended down far enough.
The N could really pass for an H.
The D needs to be connected.
The letter I passed his inspection.
The G was not mentioned in the conversation.

For someone that doesn't really look as though he cares about my creations,
this one card really ticked him off. SMH
Yes, he has a point but seriously, let's take a minute and rebuttal
The recipient isn't going to analyze it the way he did. 
And the card will probably get thrown away.

Here's the negative of the word Love.
The patterned papers:
Green polka is by October Afternoon
Black is by Creative Memories 
The yellow patterned paper flowers are by Crate Papers.

The orange, green leaves, and yellow cardstock are from my stash.
The yellow background cardstock is dry embossed with the Cuttlebug Polka dot pattern. 
The yellow flower punch is by Creative Memories punch.

I placed flower brads in the center of each flower.
 The leaves of the flowers are from a different Cricut cut. I haven’t figured out which one. I found these leaves on my craft room floor.

I had asked a friend which of the two options in the pictures below did she like most and she liked the black.
I used both because the green paper was already the correct size and I like layers. 

Side note: I always think that I should pick a design and let my Cricut cut it while I'm working.
It will be so easy, right?
No. It's not. 
The paper starts to drag and 
then the different colors of cardstock need different mats.
The thought seems like a great idea that I can't figure out how to make work.

Thanks for looking