Monday, October 12, 2020

Manly Monday I Made My own background for these three cards

I made these backgrounds by scoring lines using the black “blade” on the Fiskars trimmer.
I used stamps by Tpc Studio inside the score lines. 

The sentiment is by Great Impressions. 
I love this stamp for sending to people I don’t know. 
Shows some of the other stamps that are on my wish list.

The second one uses an unknown dino stamp
The transparency is left over from 
The letters are by Tim Holtz. I have to get the punctuation from somewhere else before I send it out. 

Last is my green example.
I dry embossed a small embossing folder by Cuttlebug
I inked it with distress ink and layered it on top of two Spellbinders dies.

Here are the three together. I really liked the way that they turned out and think they are appropriate for a male. Sadly they will never know, nor care about the time I put into making these cards.

This is the stamp set. I used the second to the bottom stamp for all of my lines. 

Here's the scoring of the paper. I forgot to take a picture before I started so the stamping has already been started. 

Thanks for looking