Monday, July 28, 2014

Manly Monday

Welcome back to Manly Monday. I have a handful of great masculine cards for you to look at. Click on the blog name above the small photo to go directly to the blog post. 

For my card this week I used the digi image Anime Hockey by Kenny K. I colored him in with colored pencils (Stampin Up and some unknowns) and partially die cut him out. The die cut I used by Quickutz is a long rectangle and I didn't have that much paper to die cut out. So I just die cut the image and cut the left edge straight. I matted that die cut onto red cardstock by DCWV. The #1 Boy is a stamp by Fiskars stamped in black Hero Arts ink.

This card is part of the chalk challenge at Chalk Ah Lot. The July challenge is anything goes with chalk sponsored by the fabulous Kenny K. I used chalk on the background. The background paper is a grid patterned by Recollections. I dry embossed it using a Darice embossing folder and my Cuttlebug. Then I applied red powdered chalk by Stamp N Plus to the whole piece of patterned paper. This chalk does not need to be sprayed for it to stay on the card. It won't rub away.

Thanks for looking
