Monday, May 02, 2016

Manly Monday Grandpa

I made this card for a friend to give to her father-her kids' grandpa. The card is a 8 1/2 x 5 1/2. My Cricut doesn't cut intricate and/or small images very well. The cartridge is Home Decor and More, which was a freebie a while back and I loved this image. When I would try to cut it smaller my Cricut wasn't having anything to do with that. This was the smallest size that it would cut well. Very frustrating. In fact my Cricut has been removed from its spot and is on the floor. I'm really fed up with its crappy cuts which is wasting my paper and my time. I'm stamping, using stickers and printing off my computer these days. OK rant over. The sentiment is also a Cricut cut by (maybe) Plantin Schoolbook. The background paper is by Deja Views.

Thanks for looking. Have a great week.