Friday, January 01, 2021

Frame Project for a Design Team Call

As we bring in the new year I felt this was an appropriate time to post this project

I tried out for a design team and didn't make it. The company is called Die For and if you use the link below to purchase anything I receive a small commission. Follow this link:

Before you read the long Facebook post that I wrote pleading for votes, you must know that even though I didn't make the team

I absolutely LOVE how this frame turned out. 

I would like to share a project with you. I feel very vulnerable doing this...but here we go. I am "auditioning" for a spot on a design team. What's that Cin? It’s where this company, called Die For, would send me free products which I would then use to create something, a card, a scrapbook page, a calendar page, any type of project using their product which are dies. Dies go into a machine and cut out different shapes of die-cuts
They then use my projects to showcase the different ways to use their product/dies for their website or social media.
Design Team-There are two rounds to make the team and I made it to Round 2. The 2nd round is based on the number of votes by the public and I need votes to be chosen.
However, I looked at the other submissions and they are good. Like so good I’m a little embarrassed to show you what I made. But I’m going to because my project has a meaning to me and gives you a look into our lives. Side note-I could have submitted the card I made as a backup but their dies really fit my vision for this frame project.
Each of the frames represents a “First” for us this year- Something we’ve never had or done before. Each frame uses die cuts from the company Dies...To die For. I have a caption under each of the pictures of each panel for you to read.
Please go to the link to cast your vote. Please vote for someone.
Dies...To Die For is a small business in Sparta, MI that will get more exposure from you clicking that link. Let’s do what we can to support small businesses.
Thank you.


Other products:
I used a stamp by Lawn Fawn, Close to my Heart
Stencil by Heidi Swapp and Tim Holtz
Copic markers
Deep Red Stamps
Distress ink
No patterned paper was used on this project.

Below is the

*Virtual Dr. Appointments. OMGoodness, I love not running to my pain doctor’s office every month and I mean LOVE it. 

*The Zoom concerts. Paul put together a Zoom meeting for the family to gather and listen to his nephew Gabe play the piano. Gabe is a fantastic pianist that gets paid for his talent by playing 4 masses every weekend. He is going to play a Christmas music concert on Christmas evening. If you want to link message me.Tablet/phone die set,Background stamp-sheet music is by Hero Arts. Piano sticker is by Frances Meyer.

*WERQ is my dance fitness class. It’s a form of exercise that I fell in love with 4 years ago. Because of the pandemic, the owner of WERQ has allowed teachers to hold classes online. I’ve met people and taken classes from people all over the US. That has really helped keep my spirits up.Stickles on the letters. Star stamps by SU. Word dance is a sticker by Frances MeyersComputer Set with Printer

*PG went back to teaching in Aug and he started wearing scrubs to work. Scrubs are easy to wash and comfortable. He started a little trend.

*We started a garden! Cucumbers and yellow squash grew better than anything else we planted. You know you’re getting old when you excitingly start talking to someone about what your garden grew this week.
Build a Monkey die set-The pots are an upside-down part of that set.

*This Thanksgiving we stayed home and it was the first time PG had ever cooked on Thanksgiving. We went non-traditional and had fish on the grill.
Christmas Tree die set-the garland for waves

*The last one started when bowling got canceled. The guys started an online poker group complete with Zoom meeting to chat with each other as if they were sitting together playing poker. (It’s not real money.)

All of the large letters in the project are from Hannah's varsity letters die set

Be sure to go check them out. They have a sale going on right now. Here's the link.

I absolutely LOVE how this frame turned out. 

It needed to be updated.
Here's the same frame with the Halloween theme:

And here's the Christmas themed frame.

to self
Looking at the frame now:
I wish I would have done the calendar frame differently. Maybe put the title down one row and added a few arrows on the outer corners.
I wish I would have thought to keep the full letter Z instead of the outline. I just wonder if it would have looked better next to the outline of the music note border.
I would do the WERQ letters differently. I shouldn't even write those things because

I absolutely LOVE how this frame turned out. 

Thanks for looking