Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Sketched Thank you card

I did this card using a sketch from Eat Sleep Stamp. I pretty much stayed to the sketch. Must have been a low mojo day. hehe
Sketch 113
The green checked paper is recycled from an old card and the other paper is really old from Creative Memories. I love that I am getting rid of older stuff making way for new stuff.  Thanks for looking.

Calendar Layout 14 Years of Marriage

I made this Layout using a sketch from Sketches in Thyme. That is my husband and me at a wedding reception in 2010. The layout is for my mom's calendar that I am still making her. Thank God she is a patient woman.
The brads in the little squares are for weddings. One is a wedding cake and the others are wine glasses/goblets. I wet embossed the heart, which is a Digi stamp from Shannon's Sentiments, with silver embossing powder, then used distressing ink by Ranger on the edges and finished it off with a couple spritz of water and Perfect Pearls. The spellbinders die are label #1. I love this die and use it a lot. I'm also using this layout for the challenge at the I Did it Creations Forum which is to use borders. It is hard to see in the photo but I used an old Creative Memories sticker border just above the brown paper. If you haven't been over to their forum it's a great place to earn points that lead to discounts toward the Outlaw Women Scrapbook Emporium. So go check it out or ask me questions in the comments field and I'll get you going in the right direction.
Thanks for looking.

Lawn Fawn challenge

I found Lawn fawn's challenging blog and was so geeked about it I had to give it a try. I won the Lawn Fawn stamps thru (I think) Cards for Kids. Well they are the cutest little things and the quality of the actual stamps is very high. I use the Harold ABC's all the time because they are the perfect font for any occasion and are always the perfect size for what I need be it a card or a scrapbook page. So the challenge for Lawn fawn was to case one of Kelly Marie's cards. I'm not able to pull the card over to my blog like I normally am so HERE is the link to her card and then here is the card I made using her card as my inspiration. The only thing you must do is use your Lawn Fawn stamps for the challenge. Well yeah! Who wouldn't want to:)

Well the next part of this card is the striped patterned paper is by JLJ Designs. Here is a LINK to this paper pack that she sells. You will see the others awesome papers on my blog these next couple of weeks because the colors are so perfect for Valentines day and for another something I am working on. She was kind enough to donate 6-8 digital papers for my St Jude cards. Be sure to see the right side bar for the link on information on how you can get involved and send in cards for these ill children. With just a little fuss you can brighten a child's day. That's all for now. I will have a layout to share in a few hours. Hope you are sleeping well.
Best wishes
This card also goes for the following challenges:
Lawn Fawn Challenge- Casing
My time to craft-spots and dots
Tuesday Throwdown-Valentine
Tip top Tuesday-Sentiment on the front
My tip for this card is using old products and making them new again. I'm trying to use up what I have and doing so you need to be creative or inventive. For this card the circle paper is from Provo Craft's Bitty scrap pads. They may still sell them but I know my mom and I bought all of them many years ago. I took the paper and used the Cricut to cut a circle . I then used Regal Rose pink by Stampin up with a cosmetic wedge and in a circular motion covered the entire circle. After that I used Tim Holtz distressing ink Walnut Stain along the outside of the circle using one of his blending tools to accent the edge of the circle more. I used a small Stampin Up heart stamp in the Regal Rose color but would stamp it off first and then stamp it on my circle. I used this same technique with a clear heart stamp that I don't know where it came from. And that is how my old paper became what it is today:)
Bunny Zoey crafts-Love is in the Air
Let's Ink it up-no digi's anything goes